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 ~Prue 4ever~

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5 posters
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~

Broj poruka : 348
Godina : 32
hObI: : Obozxawanje Shannen Doherty... =)
PrAwO ImE: : JoRan
Datum upisa : 15.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 1:40

Prue was the firstborn daughter to parents Patricia Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Patty and Victor broke up when Prue was six. Prue had her witch powers for the first eight years of her life, but after her mother died and her father left, Prue was left in the hands of her Grams who binded the sisters powers and made the girls forget they had them. Prue quickly became 'Mommy', she helped Grams raise her two little sisters, Piper and Phoebe and blamed herself for anything bad that happened to the girls, especially Phoebe. At school Prue was head girl, popular, and good at everything, a model sudent and was always bailing rebellious Phoebe out of trouble and trying to help Piper become more confident. One time she even had to finish a speech for Piper after she ran off the stage. At high school Prue went out with Andy Trudeau, but they broke up after they decided to go to different colleges.


Full Name: Prudence Halliwell

Nickname: Prue

Place of Birth: San Francisco, USA

Family: Patricia Halliwell (mother), Victor Bennett (father), Piper and Phoebe Halliwell (younger sisters) Paige Matthews (younger half sister).

Pets: Kit (cat)

Height: 5'4, or 163 cm's

Weight: around 45kgs

Age (at death): 30

Date Of Birth: 28th October, 1970

Date Of Death: 17th May 2001

Relationships: Zile (demon, married) Roger (mortal, engaged) Andy Treudu (mortal, dated), Jack Sheridan (mortal, dated), Bane Jesup (mortal, dated)

Jobs: Bucklands Auction House, 415 magazine, mueseum

Hair colours: Black and blonde

Eye Colour: Blue/Green

Powers: telekinesis and astral projection (moving things with mind and being in two places at once)

Quote: "How can I resist a guy who put up flyers to find me?"

Favourite Phrase: 'Andy, hi'

Star Sign: Scorpio

Fears: Drowning, losing her sisters


As the eldest Charmed sister, Prue had the 'best powers'. She could move things with her mind (telekinesis) and be in two places at once (astral projection). When she got her first power, of telekinesis, she channeled it through her eyes and it was triggered by anger, but as the power grew she was able to use her hands. Prue got her second power, astral projection, in season 2 almost by mistake. She was a a meeting and at the same time Piper was calling out to her. Prue felt the need to be in two places at once, and suddenly was. Only the astral body can be physical although once the two Prue's smiled at each other. Although Prue tried, she could never get her telekinesis power to work while she was Astral Projecting.


When Prue first got her powers she was working at a museum in San Francisco. It was hard for Prue to work there, as her boss was her ex, who she almost married. Prue accidentally used her telekinesis power on him and then quit, confused about what she had done.

Prue was hired to work in Bucklands Auction House by Rex Buckland who knew she was a witch and wanted her powers. The sister's killed rex and Prue continued to work in Bucklands but decided it wasn't the right job for her and quit, after a fling with co-worker Jack Sheridan.

Prue rekindled her love of photography and went to 415 Magazine looking for a job. The magazine was impressed with her skills and gave her a job. Prue kept the job until she died at the end of season 3.

Love Life

Prues longest romance was with Andy Trudeau, an inspector at the San Francisco police department. The couple had gone out at high school, but had called the romance off when they decided to go to different colleges. They met again soon after Prue recieved her powers. At first, Phoebe, (Prues younger sister) thought that he was a warlock trying to kill the sisters, but found out it was actully Pipers boyfriend who was the warlock. They tried having a normal relationship for a while, but Prue could not explain her sudden disappearances due to demon hunting and Andy became annoyed with her keeping secrets from him. Prue cast a truth spell in order to discover if Andy could accept the fact that she was a witch and still want to have a relationship. While Andy could accept that Prue was witch, he told her that he could envision their having a lasting relationship. Prue was disappointed with his answer and decided to break up with him. Since a condition of the spell caused Andy to forget what Prue had told him, her sudden dismissal of him made him even more suspicious. Once Andy finally discovered the sisters' secret, but this did not renew their relationship. Andy was killed by Rodriguez, a demon sent to destroy the Charmed Ones after he tried to save Prue and her sisters from the demon.

While working at Bucklands Prue dated Jack Sheridan, a co-worker who only annoyed her at the start. Then he asked her out and Prue accepted. Prue ended the relationship after she knew she wanted to quit Bucklands and start a fresh.

Prue was engaged to a man named Roger before she got her powers. They broke up when Phoebe said that Roger had come onto her.

As the eldest sister, Prue is the strongest and most protective, having spent much of her childhood keeping an eye on her sisters after their mother's death. When the show first started Prue was working at Bucklands Auction House; Prue authenticated auction pieces for Bucklands
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~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~

Broj poruka : 348
Godina : 32
hObI: : Obozxawanje Shannen Doherty... =)
PrAwO ImE: : JoRan
Datum upisa : 15.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 1:41

Prudence Halliwell was born on October 28th, 1970; the firstborn child of Patty Halliwell, a witch, and Victor Bennet, a human. As a witch, Prue developed the magical power of telekinesis, which allowed her to move things with her mind. On March 24th, 1975, she was visited by a future version of herself. Also on that day, Patty signed a pact with the warlock Nicholas to make him a ring that made him immune to her daughters' powers. In November 1975, after both of Prue's sisters had been born, their grandmother Penny bound their powers to keep Nicholas from killing them and taking their powers. The memory of having had powers was erased by their grandmother.

In high school, Prue was a very popular A-list student, president of the Student Council and a cheerleader. At some point, she also became rebellious, but it did not stop her from learning how to be responsible and protective of her family. She longed to be a professional photographer when she was young, perhaps as a psychic echo of her past life in the 1920s as one of Penny's aunts. At age 20, she got into a car accident and blamed herself for hurting Phoebe, who was hospitalized after the incident.

When they went to college, Piper and Prue moved into an apartment together in North Beach. Prue took up History and was a serious student but still became popular in college, as she dated the captain of the football team (who later trains to be a demonized human), Tom. The two girls stayed in North Beach until 1997 when Penny became ill and they moved back in with Grams and Phoebe at the manor. Prue became engaged to her boss Roger and she asked Piper to be her maid of honor. Roger kept coming on to Phoebe secretly, then claiming Phoebe was after him. About this time, Penny took a picture of the three of them together in front of the manor. Penny planned to use a potion to bind the girls' powers forever against Patty's wishes, but Penny died before she could do it.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~

Broj poruka : 348
Godina : 32
hObI: : Obozxawanje Shannen Doherty... =)
PrAwO ImE: : JoRan
Datum upisa : 15.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 1:41

Pru je bila najstarija i najmoćnija sestra od prve do treće sezone. Pošto je prva rođena, nasledila je najviše moći iz svoje porodične linije. To ju je učinilo najjačom i skoro neuništivom. U prvoj sezoni je bila u romantičnoj vezi sa Endijem Trudoom, ali je on na kraju prve sezone umro spašavajući njen život. Tokom prve sezone, razvila je moć telekineze, što predstavlja sposobnost pomeranja predmeta umom. Radila je u Bakland aukcijskoj kući sve do polovine druge sezone, kada je dala otkaz i postala fotograf. Pridružila se magazinu 415 gde je bila jedan od glavnih fotografa. Pru je uskoro zadobila moć astralne projekcije u drugoj sezoni, što predstavlja sposobnost da projektuje spektralni oblik na neko udaljeno mesto, mada je astralna Pru bila opipljiva i mogla je da dodiruje stvari. Pru je imala poteškoća sa ravnotežom posla i razonode sve do svoje smrti, kada ju je demon vetra Šaks (glavni ubica Izvora) ubio na kraju treće sezone. Pru je potrošila dosta vremena i energija da bi postala moćnija veštica, "superveštica" porodice, kako su je nekad nazivali. Pru je bila ta koja je brinula o Fibi i Pajper pošto je njihova majka umrla kada su bile veoma male. Posvetila je ceo svoj život da ih sačuva, a Izvor je to iskoristio i prevario ju je tako što je dala svoj život za Pajperin. Moć trojke je bila uništena, ali je ubrzo posle vraćena kada su Pajper i Fibi otkrile da imaju još jednu sestru. Pošto je Pru umrla, Pajper je dobila odgovornost da igra ulogu najstarije sestre.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
T I K S I :)
T I K S I :)

Broj poruka : 565
Godina : 32
LoKaCiJa: : Negde daleko gde me ne mozete naci....
PrAwO ImE: : Vezana_za_Milosa :)
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 1:43

Ovo si namerno postavila da bi mene nervirala,a Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy (salim se)...

Pa lepo je to sto je Pru imala tako lep zivot ali ne mogu da citam vise sra*** poput onog da je zrtvovala detinjstvo i sl.. Neka se pomiri sa tim i gotovo Wink
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~

Broj poruka : 348
Godina : 32
hObI: : Obozxawanje Shannen Doherty... =)
PrAwO ImE: : JoRan
Datum upisa : 15.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 1:51

Daaa :JokaMaliZlocxaSmajli:

Sxalim se...Ne,taman posla...Owo sam postawila da ljudi uwide kako je sjajna i neponowljiwa ona bila u seriji... Smile
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
T I K S I :)
T I K S I :)

Broj poruka : 565
Godina : 32
LoKaCiJa: : Negde daleko gde me ne mozete naci....
PrAwO ImE: : Vezana_za_Milosa :)
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 1:56

Xe xe Smile Dobro svako ima svoje misljenje Smile meni ne smeta ovo sto si postavila Smile Da vidim sta je sve cinila u zivotu Smile Ali nazalost svaki put kad setnem rec poput zrtvovanja ima da psujem sve po spisku Wink
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~

Broj poruka : 348
Godina : 32
hObI: : Obozxawanje Shannen Doherty... =)
PrAwO ImE: : JoRan
Datum upisa : 15.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 1:58

A Tiks da li si cxula mozda da se Prue zxrtwowala za swoje sekice,a to se odnosi i na twoju miljenicu Holly...
Sxalim se,sxalim... Very Happy
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
T I K S I :)
T I K S I :)

Broj poruka : 565
Godina : 32
LoKaCiJa: : Negde daleko gde me ne mozete naci....
PrAwO ImE: : Vezana_za_Milosa :)
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 14:42

Znam ja to dobro.. Smile jesu li je terale da se zrtvuje? Mislis da Pajper ne bi mogla da zivi da se pru nije zrtvovala.. Bez uvrede Joko ali moras priznati da su ga malo presr***.. Wink
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~The Charmed One~

Broj poruka : 470
Godina : 31
hObI: : Bacanje cini,zaustavljanje vremena i ubijanje demona!
PrAwO ImE: : Emilija
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 15:02

Tiks,Joko sa obe se slazhem u nekim stvarima.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~

Broj poruka : 348
Godina : 32
hObI: : Obozxawanje Shannen Doherty... =)
PrAwO ImE: : JoRan
Datum upisa : 15.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 22:03

Sxto se mene ticxe,bolje da se Pajper zrtwowala...Posle mi ne bi smetalo i to sxto bi stalno pricxali o tome...
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~The Charmed One~

Broj poruka : 470
Godina : 31
hObI: : Bacanje cini,zaustavljanje vremena i ubijanje demona!
PrAwO ImE: : Emilija
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 22:15

neee bi bilo bolje tako!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
T I K S I :)
T I K S I :)

Broj poruka : 565
Godina : 32
LoKaCiJa: : Negde daleko gde me ne mozete naci....
PrAwO ImE: : Vezana_za_Milosa :)
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeSub 4 Avg - 23:57

Xe xe da se Pajper zrtvovala onda bi ona poginula.. Bezi bre Very Happy Xe xe Jokce znas da nista lose ne mislim o Pru samo mi se malo svi popeli na glavu sa ti zrtvovanjem Wink
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~
~Sestra Vesxtica,Glawna Odje~

Broj poruka : 348
Godina : 32
hObI: : Obozxawanje Shannen Doherty... =)
PrAwO ImE: : JoRan
Datum upisa : 15.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeNed 5 Avg - 21:10

Ne,ne kazem ja da bih ja htela da Pajper pogine [ona mi je druga omiljena wesxtica,a i jedna od omiljenih glumica],nego kazem da mi ne bi smetalo da mi stalno pricaju o zrwowanju,samo da je Prue preziwela...
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
T I K S I :)
T I K S I :)

Broj poruka : 565
Godina : 32
LoKaCiJa: : Negde daleko gde me ne mozete naci....
PrAwO ImE: : Vezana_za_Milosa :)
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimePon 6 Avg - 0:46

jbg Smile Meni bi smetalo vise to nego da je prezivela.. Wink
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~New Charmed Fan~

Broj poruka : 84
Datum upisa : 13.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimePon 27 Avg - 12:55

Meni nebi.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
T I K S I :)
T I K S I :)

Broj poruka : 565
Godina : 32
LoKaCiJa: : Negde daleko gde me ne mozete naci....
PrAwO ImE: : Vezana_za_Milosa :)
Datum upisa : 17.07.2007

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimePon 27 Avg - 23:07

Pa dobro svako ima svoje misljenje.. Ali kad razmislite neki mozda skontaju da su malo pricu pres*ali.. ALi dobro.. Ne moze serija bez toga...
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
~New Charmed Fan~

Broj poruka : 23
Godina : 31
hObI: : Chitanje, Crtanje, Skateboarding
PrAwO ImE: : Vanja
Datum upisa : 10.01.2008

~Prue 4ever~ Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: ~Prue 4ever~   ~Prue 4ever~ Icon_minitimeČet 10 Jan - 5:49

Hvala na ovim informacijama, bas lepo...
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~Prue 4ever~ Empty
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~Prue 4ever~
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